
Hello, my name is Mike Kaiser. I've been a creative professional for 15 years and am excited for what the next 15 will bring! Since I was little, I always had a passion for art and design. Family vacations were great opportunities for me to draw and color all sorts of illustrations and designs. Sometime in 2002 I was interested in web design and graphics, so I picked up a copy of Photoshop 7 and have never looked back.

In 2007 I joined Ogilvy Health (CommonHealth - Noesis at the time) as a traffic coordinator. In 2008 an opportunity to join the in-house production studio presented itself and I took it. After learning a ton about print production and design in general, in 2013, I hopped on the opportunity to work with the in-house video and motion graphics team, and I have been learning the craft ever since!

While my path has not been very traditional, I've always held the philosophy that if you jump at opportunity and work hard, there's nothing you can't achieve. These days I've been working to elevate my 3D skillset as many motion graphics pieces utilize it. I'm confident in my ability to learn things quickly and adapt to any situation or circumstance I find myself in. Anyway, enough about me. I'd love to hear from you. Head over to the contacts page and leave me note!
